Hello and welcome to the 2021-22 school year!  I am excited to be working with 5th and 6th graders this year!  Below you will find the school's grading scale and progressive discipline plan as well as links to a syllabus for each class I teach  (the syllabus for each class can also be found on Schoology).  

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year feel free to contact me.   Email is my preferred method of communication but if you prefer you can call the school at 342-5114 and they will put you through to my classroom phone where you can leave me a message.  Please note that 5th and 6th-graders have music & PE at the end of the day so if you need to get a message to your student it is best to ask the office to get that message to your child since I do not see them at the end of the day.

We are looking forward to a great year!


5th grade Math

6th grade math

6th grade English

Grading:  Please note it is important to hand work in on time!  If things are turned in late students will lose 10% on that assignment and these are points they can not get back! The school grading scale is as follows:



  100-96% A

  95-93% A-

  92-90% B+

  89-87% B

  86-84% B-

  83-80% C+

  79-76% C

  75-72% C-

  71-69% D+

  68-64% D

  63-60% D-



Progressive Discipline Plan 

Minor/Moderate Conflicts and Misconducts - Note that if an incident in these categories is determined to be more severe steps 1 and 2 may be skipped!

  1. Verbal Warning - Redirection to appropriate behaviors and creating solutions are the desired outcome of the verbal warning.  This would be done during or after class or with a quick side conversation with the student. The student and teacher might make a plan to prevent this in the future. Examples include but are not limited to moving the student, a nonverbal signal to redirect the student, removing distractions, etc. The parent will not be notified at this point.
  2. Parent/Guardian Email - If the behavior is not corrected, the teacher will once again give a verbal warning and inform students that an email will be sent to help solve the problem. 
  3. The student will be written up - The teacher will enter the behavior into JMC and a detention will be given

When a student is written up the handbook will be followed, here is the section that applies to these behaviors


1st Offense

2nd Offense

3rd Offense

4th Offense

General Misbehavior

Including, but not limited to:

Cheating, Horseplay, Running in the Hallway, Dress Code Violations, Swearing, Vulgar/Crude/Sexual Language or Print, Inappropriate Displays of 

Affection, Interfering, or Disrupting a staff member or student in an assigned duty



1 Day ISS

1-3 Day ISS



Willful refusal to 

follow an appropriate direction or 

order given by a staff member


Refusing directions given by 





1 Day ISS


1-3 Days ISS


1-3 Day OSS


1-3 Day OSS


3-5 Day OSS


3-5 Day OSS


5-7 Day OSS


Abuse - Verbal 

The use of course  language that is directed at a staff or student with the intent to  cause harm: Abusive, Obscene, Vulgar

Toward a student……………………………

Toward a Staff Member……………………


1 Day ISS

1 Day ISS

2-3 Day OSS

1-3 Day OSS

3-5 Day OSS

3-5 Day OSS



(Minor) Vandalism

Littering, defacing, or otherwise damaging property that belongs to the school or other individuals while the student is on school property or at a school activity or in a district vehicle, or under the supervision of school 


(Restitution is expected)

1-5 Days OSS

3-5 Days  OSS

5-10 Days OSS


Severe Conflicts and Misconducts

Professional judgment by the teacher and administration will determine the severity of the incident and the need for more severe and immediate action, including a required parent conference and/or suspension. In cases where the behaviors above are more severe or behaviors listed below are happening, the warnings will be skipped and the student will be written up immediately.




MSHSL rules will also apply

Police will be notified

3-5 Day OSS

5-10 Day OSS

5-10 Day OSS or Expulsion


Ammunition - Possession

Possession of bullets, shotgun shells, or other projectiles. (Intent is given major  consideration) Students should bring any discovered bullets/shells to

the office


1 Day ISS

1 Day OSS



Intentionally creating a fire in a district building or on school property with the intention of causing destruction, damage, or mischief.

(Restitution is expected) 

Police will be notified

10 Day OSS

or Expulsion



Assault, Physical  

Acting with intent to inflict serious bodily harm upon another person.

Upon a student…………………………..

Upon a staff member……………………

Police will be notified


3-5 Day OSS



5-10 Day OSS





Assault, Aggravated

Committing an assault upon another person with a weapon, or an assault which inflicts great bodily harm upon another person.

Police will be notified





Bodily Harm, Inflicted

Committing an accidental act or using poor judgment through recklessness or carelessness inflicting bodily harm upon another person.


Intentionally inflicting bodily harm (done with intent to harm)


1-3 Day ISS


1-3 Day 


3-5 Days ISS


3-5 Day OSS


1-3 Day OSS


5-10 Days OSS





Bomb Threat or Terroristic Plot/Plan/


Devising a plot/plan with the intent of causing significant damage or harm to a person(s), property, or sense of safety

Police will be notified




Repeatedly targeting another student with deliberate actions or communications that are intended to distress, intimidate, humiliate, or harm another student (including cyber-bullying)

1-3 Days OSS

3-5 Days OSS

5-10 Days OSS


Damage to Property

Committing an accidental act or using poor judgment or through recklessness or carelessness causing damage to property 

(Restitution is expected)

1-3 Days ISS

1-3 Days OSS

3-5 Days OSS

5-10 Days OSS 

Disorderly Conduct

Engaging in offensive, obscene, or abusive communication or boisterous and noisy conduct intending to arouse alarm, anger, or resentment in others.

1-3 Days ISS

1-3 Days OSS

2-4 Days OSS

3-5 Days OSS

Explosives Possession and /or Use 

Possessing or using any compound, mixture, or device that by design, function, or usage creates an

explosion or fire……………………………..

Fireworks – Possessing……………………

Fireworks – Detonating or igniting………..

Police will be notified


5 Days OSS

5-10 Day OSS





Mutual Combat (striking, kicking, pinching, biting, scratching, pulling hair, etc.)

1-3 Day OSS

3-5 Day OSS

5-10 Day OSS


Fire Alarm, False Intentionally 


giving a false alarm or fire or tampering or interfering with any fire alarm.

Police will be notified

10 Day OSS



Fire Extinguisher, Unauthorized Use 

Unauthorized handling or discharge of fire extinguisher.

Police will be notified.



3-10 Day OSS




Fire Starting Devices 

Possessing or using any device, tool, or system that is designed to create fire (matches, lighters, etc.)


& Detention


& 1 Day ISS


& 1-3 Days ISS


& 1-3 Days OSS

Gang Activity


1 Day ISS

3 Day OSS

5 Day OSS

Harassment, Including Sexual 

Participating in or conspiring with others to engage in acts that are intended to injure, degrade, intimidate, or disgrace other individuals. It may include indecent exposure, and words or action that negatively affects an individual or group based on their racial, cultural, or religious background, their sex, or any disability they may have

1-3 Days OSS

3-5 Days OSS

5-10 Days OSS


Leaving Campus During School 


Unauthorized leaving campus


1 Day ISS

1-3 Day OSS

3-5 Day OSS

Mood-Altering Drugs, Narcotics, 

Illegal Drugs, Prescription Drugs, 


USAGE, SELLING, or DISTRIBUTING any controlled or illegal substance that is prohibited by Minnesota or federal law.

MSHSL rules will also apply

Police will be notified.



Sexual Conduct, Criminal

Engaging in non-consensual, unwanted sexual contact with another person, including, the clothing covering a person’s intimate parts or attempted 

removal of such clothing.

Police will be notified

5-10 Day OSS



Terroristic Act

Engaging in an act that is intended to cause significant damage to a person(s),  property, or sense of safety and security.

Police will be notified



Theft or Knowingly Receiving or 

Possessing Stolen Property

Unauthorized taking of the property of another person and/or the school, or receiving such property. The condition and completeness of all returned stolen property will be considered in the determination of consequences.

Police will be notified



1-3 Day OSS


3-5 Day OSS


5-10 Day OSS



Vandalism (Willful Damage of 


Littering, defacing, cutting, or otherwise damaging property that belongs to the school or other individuals while the student is on school property or at a school activity or in a district vehicle, or under the supervision of school 


(Restitution is expected)

1-5 Days OSS

3-5 Days  OSS

5-10 Days OSS


Weapon or Look-alike Weapon 

(Construction or Possession) – 

Possessing any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or any device intended to look like a firearm; any device or instrument designed as a weapon and capable of producing severe bodily harm; or any other device, instrument, or substance, which, it is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce severe bodily harm or looks like it is calculated or likely to produce severe bodily harm.

Police will be notified



Habitual or continued violations of school rules/policies will result in the following consequences:

-After 3 earned detentions for the year 1 day ISS

-After 5 earned days of ISS for the year 1 day OSS

Again, if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year feel free to contact me.   Email is my preferred method of communication but if you prefer you can call the school at 342-5114 and they will put you through to my classroom phone where you can leave me a message. If you need to get a message to your student it is best to ask the office to get that message to your child since I do not see them at the end of the day.

We are looking forward to a great year!


Mrs. Bliss
